Used Equipment

Broadcast Transmitters

Harris HT 25CD 25kW FM Broadcast Transmitter For Sale

Other Broadcast & Related Equipment

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We love the Three R’s of Sustainability

Reduce = We use design optimization to help our customers accomplish their mission using the least amount of resource as possible. Complexity is the enemy of reliability. We refine designs until we’re confident that we’ve reduced device count, capabilities overlap, rack space utilization, and power consumption requirements. This is the cornerstone of design and engineering.

Reuse = Make available equipment that may otherwise be discarded. A large market’s used equipment may become a medium or small market’s much appreciated come-up.

Recycle = We work with e-cycle providers and scrap materials brokers to capture residual value, to reduce electronic landfill waste, and to help reduce resource depletion. Too often broadcasters let things like discarded antenna systems, tower sections, transmission line, and other salvage equipment accumulate on site to later become unattractive and problematic hindrances.